Our Services

AI-Powered Info Extraction

We use natural language processing, machine learning and LLMs to extract valuable information from free text, images and sound.

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AI Strategy

We have over 20 years of experience in AI and have followed each step of its development. We can help you get started or take y...

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AI-Powered Research

Understand consumers in their own words. We use natural language processing and LLMs on specially formulated open ended survey ...

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Bayesian A/B

No more p-values, null-hypotheses, type one and type two errors. Junk the confusing language of statistical testing for straigh...

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Data Science Mentoring

We help your data scientists to put their mathematical and technical skills to good use, solving problems in the real world.

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Social Network Analysis

Find out the best way to reach your customers by understanding the flow of information through a social network.

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Data Science Training

We run hands-on workshops covering a wide range of subjects in data science from machine learning and NLP to advanced statistic...

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Next-Gen Segmentation

Our approach to customer segmentation uses the latest techniques in AI to build a meaningful and genuinely useful segmentation ...

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Forecasting and Simulation

We use sophisticated statistical models to forecast what will happen to your business in the future and detailed simulations to...

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Lifetime Modelling

We help clients measure and predict customer lifetime value.

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Data Science Peer Review

If the solution that is being presented to you as cutting edge AI has in fact been around since the 60s we feel you have a righ...

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Data Visualisation

A successful visualisation has a life of its own changing the way people see and talk about your business. We balance aesthetic...

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Our Clients

Coppelia is part of Melt

Melt is a group of independent data science professionals who work together to solve your problems and deliver your projects.

Duncan Stoddard


Magda Woods

Magda and the Robots

Mark Potts


Neil Charles

Sequence Analytics

Simeon Duckworth


Simon Raper

Coppelia Machine Learning and Analytics

Some of the tools we use

Anomaly Detection

Statistical and machine learning methods are used to identify outliers in your data. These outliers could be cases of fraud, or customers needing help, trending items, or faults in a system.

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Bayesian Modelling

Bayesian modelling has many advantages over traditional statistical modelling. It is more flexible, easier to interpret (no more p-values or null hypotheses) and can incorporate prior assumptions.

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Choice Modelling

Used to understand the trade-offs customers make when confronted by a range of options. A choice experiment is designed, the data is collected and then used to build a model.

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Geospatial Modelling

We use geospatial models to make predictions about your customers based on where they live. We use javascript mapping libraries to produce beautiful interactive maps of your data.

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Machine Learning

We have over ten years experience in using machine learning to do things like predicting customer behaviour and recommending products and content. We are experts in the full development lifecycle o...

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Natural Language Processing allows us to extract information from free unstructured text. We can classify documents and web content and mine them for data that is crucial to your business.

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We use mathematical models and optimisation techniques to help fine tune the operational and logistical parts of your business. Examples include optimising store layouts and queuing systems, laying...

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Pattern Recognition

We use unsupervised machine learning techniques to uncover useful patterns beneath the surface your data. For example unsuspected groupings within your customer data that should influence your CRM ...

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Growing markets, customer flows and social networks. These are all complex systems. If we want to understand the impact of strategic decisions on these environments then we need to simulate the out...

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Statistical Modelling

Designing and evaluating experiments, interpreting survey results and isolating the contribution of a single factor on sales, all require statistical analysis. We have years of experience in select...

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Statistical Testing

We use both traditional and modern (Bayesian/resampling) methods to design and analyse statistical tests. We use everything from simple AB tests to adaptive multi-armed bandit methods.

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Topic Modelling

We use machine learning algorithms and statistical models to uncover and describe the topics that are discussed in online articles, blog posts, product reviews, audio transcripts and academic papers.

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What clients have said about Coppelia